Ylitalo Log House
Note: The Ylitalo house was dismantled to preserve the building but decay to the logs was to extensive to save the structure.
The location of the house was across the road from the Riverland School.
The building came to the attention of the Lac du Bonnet Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee in 2006 when one of our members recognized the possible historic importance of its construction. On further investigation by the Restoration Grants Technologist of the Department of Culture, Heritage and Tourism it was recommended that “due to its unique log construction — the building was worthy of preservation”. On this recommendation MHAC purchased the building on December 7th, 2007 from the landowner on whose land it was located. Prior to any work being done on the building all logs were numbered and appropriate drawings prepared. This will assist in the re assembly at a later date. It was in the fall of 2009 that volunteers disassembled the structure and had the logs stored. There is little information on Mr. Ylitalo or his family other than that he emigrated from Finland to the Riverland area and the building was built in the 1920’s. If any readers can provide further information the MHAC would be most appreciative.
- Erik Ylitalo
- Karen Ylitalo
- Ylitalo Home Salvage
- Ylitalo Home Salvage