
Community Heritage Manitoba

chmCommunity Heritage Manitoba is a membership driven association of all supporting Municipal Heritage Advisory Committees (or MHACs) throughout Manitoba. These MHACs are struck by local municipal councils under the authority of the Heritage Resources Act to advise them on local heritage issues within their municipalities.

Community Heritage Manitoba was formed at the 6th annual MHAC conference held in Baldur, Manitoba on October 25th, 1997.

Our Mission:

“Community Heritage Manitoba shall support all member Municipal Heritage Advisory Committees and heritage partners in their efforts to identify, protect, promote, develop and interpret the heritage of their communities”.

Our Objectives:
  • To facilitate the exchange of information and communication of activities among the membership.
  • To facilitate heritage education opportunities to MHACs, municipal councils and other heritage partners.
  • To facilitate the promotion of heritage.
  • To establish creative partnerships for the development of heritage on a local, regional and provincial basis.