Locomotive #2 – Pointe du Bois Tramway
Railroads have played a major part in the history of Lac du Bonnet since the turn of the twentieth century and one of particular interest is the line that was constructed between Lac du Bonnet and the hydro electric site at Pointe du Bois, located on the Winnipeg River. Competition between the many companies offering or supplying electrical services finally amalgamated in 1904 with the City of Winnipeg to form the Winnipeg Electric Railway. For the next five years the city council remained in a state of indecision over the issue of constructing a hydro electric generating station. It wasn’t until 1909 that construction of the “tramway” was finally started. Train #2 In Winnipeg River – June 14, 2014Much of the ensuing history seems to centre on the various steam locomotives that operated between Lac du Bonnet and “the Point”, their successes and their failures.
One such incident was with Engine #2, known as the “Star” or “White Star” and its encounter with the Winnipeg River Bridge. The bridge, designed to carry a gross weight of 177,000 pounds encountered engine #2 and its tender which weighed in at 246,500 pounds. On June 30, 1914 the inevitable occurred when the bridge collapsed under the weight of the “Star”. It and its tender ended up in the river along with the first boxcar securely nosed into the tender but still partly on the bridge. It was to join the wreckage in the river before all was salvaged by a Canadian Pacific Railway wrecking crew. The engine was presumably rebuilt at the CPR shops in Winnipeg. The following year the Greater Winnipeg Water District tendered for a locomotive in January of 1915 and the Star” was finally sold to them the following year.
Train #2 In Winnipeg River – June 14, 2014On other occasions, when the train arrived at the bridge, all got off the train. The Fireman walked across the bridge to the other side. . The Engineer started the train in motion and the Fireman stopped it at the other end while the passengers and Engineer walked across the bridge to resume the ride to their destination. On one occasion the Engineer had to chase his escaping train. (Source: Tramway to the Point)
For more interesting reading pick up a copy of “Tramway to the Point, The Winnipeg Hydro Tramway 1907 to 1996”, by Peter Lacey available at the local Lac du Bonnet Museum.