First Registered Homestead

Haliday CairnCairn Erected in Honour of W. D. HALLIDAY

Lac du Bonnet’s first registered homestead.
Mr. W. D. Halliday in 1900, at the age of 26, canoed down the Whitemouth and Winnipeg rivers and claimed the land upon which this cairn is situated. He filed the first homestead in Lac du Bonnet. This land he passed on to his son J. H. Halliday and to this date it remainsthe property of the Halliday Family.

First erected by the Lac du Bonnet Boy Scout Troop July 18, 1970, as their Manitoba Centennial Project.

Inside this cairn is a container with the names of all the boys in the 1970 Scout Troop and Cub Pack.

Restored in 1995 by the Rural Municipality of
Lac du Bonnet.

The W. D. Haliday cairn is located north of Lac du Bonnet on PTH 502.